Wednesday, May 25, 2016

JUniq - Duplie file remover

About JUniq
JUniq recurses through directories that you select, finding files that have the same content. It

uses a cryptographic hash to compare files, and only bothers computing a hash of the whole file

if a quick "smoke" test fails; consequently, it's quite fast.

After building a database of filesets (files that have the same content), JUniq erates a shell

script which will actually do the removal for you. In other words, JUniq is completely safe: it

gives you an opportunity to look over its decisions, and to make exceptions on a one-by-one

basis. You can actually do more than just delete the files; the shell script can erate

arbitrary shell script .

How to use
Run JUniq (java -jar juniq.jar).

Add paths (under the Operations menu) to index.

Wait patiently! JUniq may have to rd gigabytes of data, depending on what paths you

selected. Note that you can save the database (the Database menu) that is erated.

Click erate Script from the Operations menu. Check the configuration, then click erate.

Manually verify the contents of the script (in emacs, for example) and make any desired


Execute the script!

How does JUniq choose which files should be preserved?
JUniq is designed to support multiple "survivor" strategies: i.e., how to pick which file from a

set of identical files will be retained. At present, only two strategy are implemented, though it's

sy to add your own (see

Delete all but the file with the longest path name. This works pretty well: if you have multiple

directories containing the same files, this strategy tends to select a single directory (rather than

selecting files from different directories, which would be annoying.) It also tends to ignore

source control metadata this way.

Delete all but the file with the shortest path name. For photo and albums, this tends

to preserve those files that have been most carefully organized and sorted into subdirectories,

deleting the files that are in a "miscellaneous to-be-sorted" directory.


Download Here

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